Prison Break Season 3 Episode 9 - 14 January 2008

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

3.04: Good Fences Promo Pictures

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TvTopia said...

OK! Намерих най-доброто интервю с Уент!!!Ако искаш можещ да го публикуваш, защото си заслужава! Обаче е малко дълго... доста дълго. Ами аз ще го копна тук, пък ти после можеш да ми изтриеш коментара :) Ако не искаш да го публикуваш няма проблем, струва си дори да го прочетеш :)))) Ето го:

Man In Style
Wentworth Miller

Who robs a bank, lets himself get caught and deliberately goes to prison to free his brother from the death chamber must be a real man. That's the role Wentworth Miller fills with life in the TV-series "Prison Break". In real life Miller doesn't have much in common with the character he plays. For the interview at the "Beverly Wilshire Hotel" the 35 y.o. shows up in plain GAP jeans and a skin-tight white sweater. He smiles coyly and speaks so quietly as if he's embarrassed to be the centre of attention.

Q: You do everything to get your brother out of jail in "Prison Break". Are you a family guy in real life?
Wentworth: I would give my life for my family but I wouldn't go as far and become a criminal like the character I play. It's not necessary really, my sisters Gillian and Leigh are lawyers.

Q: You're considered as the new sex symbol...
Wentworth: I'm just an average guy who got lucky. I've been to 500 auditions and got turned down plenty of times. With a bit of luck I got mini jobs on a TV series or in music videos like Mariah Carey's "We Belong Together". I worked in a book shop to pay my rent. My life was less than glamorous so I find the hype a bit disturbing. Everyone invites me to parties. Women slip me their phone numbers.

Q. How many of them did you call back?
Wentworth: None. I'm far too shy.

Q: There are rumors that you prefer men.
Wentworth: I'm not gay, but that rumor can't be killed. I'd like to have a girlfriend and a family. But I haven't met the right one yet. Until then I'm focusing on my job. I had to wait so long for this chance I savor every second on set even if it means 14 hours of shooting a day.

Q: In the series, the upper part of your body is completely covered with tattoos. Do you have a tattoo?
Wentworth: No, they're painted and plastered on me. It takes four hours and sticks for two weeks. The tat shows the encrypted layout of the prison Michael and his brother want to break out of. I'd never get a real tattoo.

Q: You often act shirtless in front of a camera. Do you work out a lot?
Wentworth: I'm lazy. I hate fitness. A high school trauma. Someone broke my nose with a ball. I went to the prom with a bandage, how embarrassing. I rather jog and swim to stay fit.

Q: What do you like best about yourself?
Wentworth: I like my eyes (laughs). I read somewhere I would wear blue contacts. Nonsense! I'm comfortable with my green-brown eyes. It never mattered to me that my parents have different skin colors (note: father: African-Jamaican, mother: Russian-French). You can't tell by looking at me anyway.

Q: Please describe your fashion style.
Wentworth: Boring. Unglamorous. I don't think that much about styling. I buy my briefs in a pack of three at GAP. Jeans, T-shirts and sneakers at Abercrombie & Fitch. And for events I lend an Armani tuxedo.

Q: How do you spend your spare time?
Wentworth: Gaming nights with friends. I enjoy it more than having a night out. I like to read 18th century English novels or to watch old episodes of "Law & Order" on DVD. I've been a fan of Angie Harmon for a long time.

Q: What's your favorite holiday destination?
Wentworth: I don't need exciting destinations. I drove from Chicago to LA in my Toyota Corolla last year, along Route 66. I met a lot of interesting, very normal people. That was nice for a change. In Hollywood every other person is a model or an actor.

(interview: Andreas Renner)

Credit Satinfree FCOWM

TvTopia said...

Аз се опитвам да го превеждам, но си губи смисъла и Уентуъртовото звучене аххахаа, ква дума! А на въпроса дали е гей отговаря толкова естествено I'm not gay, but that rumor can't be killed. А пък на въпроса дали тренира отговаря, че е мързелив аххаха и после, че са му счупили носа в училище и е трябвало да ходи с превръзки на бала си! хахаха аз ти казвам, най-якото интервю!

TvTopia said...

Zabravih da kaja, 4e e ot germanskoto spisanie In Style i po princip e na nemski, no satinfree go e prevela na angl... I tova e prevoda! Syjalqvam, 4e pi6a po 100 komentara, ama kat sum tupa! :) Naistina izvinqvai!

Yo said...

Няма за какво да ми се извиняваш :) Благодаря за интервюто и разбира се, че ще го публикувам :) Наистина мерси много за помощта оценявам го