Friday, September 21, 2007
Kellerman's fate
Is he or isn't he? The question Paul Kellerman fans have been asking since the day the season finale of season 2 aired. We've been waiting for the producers to let something slip about his fate but those guys are CAREFUL. Matt Olmstead adds fuel to the burning fire by releasing another evasive statement. Darn it.
We don't know [if Kellerman is dead.] There's a reason we had that final gunshot in a wide shot, so to speak, so anything's possible on Prison Break.
And in an interview with Paul Adelstein himself he also backpedalled after realising that he might have let something slip:
TV Guide: What attracted you to Private Practice?
Paul Adelstein: Prison Break had already told me I wasn't going to be back.
TV Guide: So you knew you were about to die?
Adelstein: Yeah, or die-ish. I might not be dead. You never know. On Prison Break, if you don't have a heart removed from a body, the person can always come back. So I was looking for a job and I went and had a meeting with Shonda. I didn't know what it was about until she told me. We talked at length about the character and the characters on the show. I loved Grey's and I love her writing. So I sort of jumped at the chance.
Source: Prison Break Manhunt
аххаха, каква снимка на Пол си сложила ахахах, супер! Горкия, стана ми жал, когато Сара го изгори с ютията... Той беше толкова мил с нея, дори когато се опитваше да я удави и изпържи и т.н. Ех, Пол, ще ми липсваш...
тази е от сайта от където взех интервюто, не ми се търсеше и я оставих :) Голяма симпатяга е Пол, и определено ще ми липсва и на мен :(
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