Prison Break Season 3 Episode 9 - 14 January 2008

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Prison Break: Episode 3.1, "Orientacion" Recap

September 17, 2007 It's a new season of Prison Break my, how the tables have turned. Michael is not adapting to his new home well. He gives Mahone a helpless look as the two are stuck in prison. Lincoln tries to go to bat for his brother but there's nothing he can do until those who can help him arrive at work in the morning. When the man Lincoln is talking to finds out Michael is in Sona, he says the worst of the worst are there. There are no guards in the prison, the inmates run the show. A man is killed in a prison fight and Michael is left standing over his body.

Lincoln finally makes some headway on Michael's behalf. Michael will be transferred to a safer prison and eventually, face charges back in the United States. Michael runs into Bellick in the prison yard, he has been beaten badly. He begs for water and when a prison won't give him any, he talks back and finds himself on the ground once again. Stuck inside the walls of Sona, Mahone goes through some serious withdrawal without his pills.

Mahone tries to team up with Michael, but he only sees the man who killed his father and say he's on his own. Lincoln visits Michael at Sona and they talk through a chain link fence. Linc has no word on Sara for Michael, and he's worried something has happened to her. Some men come up to Michael after Lincoln has left, saying he must go through orientation, whether he likes it or not. He is brought into a room with several other prisoners, including Mahone. The leader knows about Michael's past and senses Mahone's fear.

When a prisoner loses control of his bladder in fear, he is beaten but Michael sticks up for him. Probably not a great move. The leader worries that Michael will gain followers because of his notoriety. Michael is visited by a stranger, who encourages him to break out of Sona, and will be rewarded with assistance. He is assaulted when he gets back to his cell by a prison who feels he stole his stash. The leader steps in to save him.

Lincoln gets a call that a woman matching Sarah's description has shown up but at the morgue. Bellick finds a friend but he is unfortunately also at the bottom of the food chain. The friend panics and tries to break out of Sona. T-Bag heads over to Michael to taunt him but is interrupted by the sound of the prisoners yelling, "Runner!" Bellick's only friend in the prison is shot and killed as he watches.

Someone whispers to Bellick, looking for a favor in exchange for food. He gives him a small bite but says he'll get more after he runs an errand. Lincoln gets a call from LJ telling him to meet him and Sarah somewhere. Perhaps she is not dead after all. T-Bag attempts to form a friendship with the leader of Sona. Michael is being forced into a fight by the prisoners and Mahone tries to give him tips.

The prisoners head out into the yard to settle their differences. Michael will fight the man who accused him of stealing his stash. Michael says he refuses to fight then takes a cheap shot to the guy's leg, following Mahone's tips. He tries to leave the circle but finds out he cannot leave unless he kills the man. The man gets back up to fight and Michael takes him on. The man is given a knife but Mahone steps in as he's about to attack Michael and quickly kills him.

Lincoln makes his way into Panama City to meet up with LJ at a restaurant. While waiting at the bar, he meets a beautiful woman who tries to get him to spend time with her. When he tries to walk away, she calls him by name and says they have a lot to discuss. A woman looking for her husband's dead body finds a note among one of the corpses as she goes through all their pockets. Lincoln comes to Michael, asking him to break a man in Sona out of prison. LJ and Sara are being held prisoner in the meantime. Michael has one week to find the man and successfully break out of Sona.

On this season's Prison Break, Michael tries to make friends with the leader but not if T-Bag has anything to say about it. A trade is offered: LJ and Sara for the prisoner inside Sona. Sucre searches for Maricruz and goes to Bellick for answers.

Source: BuddyTv

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