Prison Break Season 3 Episode 9 - 14 January 2008

Friday, September 28, 2007

Sona boring?...

On the Prison Break forum some guy posted that Sona is boring, etc...

Here's what the guy said:

Sona just isn't scary....infact it's boring!

I mean, at the end of last season when they showed Sona, it looked like a SCARY place. It was dark, there were junkies, transvestite-looking dudes, and they were all Spanish/black looking. It looked like a place where any man would break down and cry and you wouldn't think any less of him.

Now when they show Sona, it just looks like a 'fun' place, aside from the lack of food. I mean, nobody in there is really 'scary' like they were in the season 2 finale, there are many white people, everyone speaks English, no threats of rape, etc... It's just not a scary place. If it wasn't for Bellick, nobody in that prison would still be getting 'harsh' treatment by anybody.

I kept picturing Michael, Mahone, Bellick, and (eventually) T-Bag being the only white/English speakers, being outnumbered and constantly fearing for their lives... but now, the place is like one big joke, and it is WAY too 'friendly'. Where is the aggression that was always present in Fox River? You had scary people like T-Bag, Avocado, the guy who was messing with Bellick in season 2, etc... Now, it's like some sort of retirement home, and they even plan out their fights. There's no stabbing in the back, rapes, cutting off of limbs, etc.

And here's how Nick Santora responded:

To respond to the poster who finds Sona boring:

If it was just like Fox River, THAT would be boring. It is a small city, run by a dictator (Lechero) where people can be forced to fight to the death at a minutes notice simply because someone has a grudge against you. Unlike Fox River, there are no guards to stop the fighting, no guards to protect you. If you find that boring, which you have every right to do, I have no advice to give. The show is what we made it. I hope you give it a chance and keep watching.

So what do you guys think???

Source: PBfans &

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TvTopia said...

Ми кво! Този затвор е скучен, Фокс Ривър беше по-интересен... Но не може вечно да са във Фокс Ривър все пак. Така че и в двата случая не става.